A Kate Stand-In Stars In Official Dress Rehearsal

A Kate Stand-In Stars In Official Dress Rehearsal

A Kate Stand-In Stars in Official Dress Rehearsal
If practice makes perfect, the Royal Wedding should come off without a hitch.

Early Wednesday morning, about one thousand members of the British military ran through the wedding service, and their objective seemed clear: to safeguard bride Kate Middleton without obscuring the crowd's view of her come Friday's wedding day.

At 4 a.m. London time, a swarm of military officials descended upon Westminster Abbey, all preparing for the big day.

"There were hundreds and hundreds of mounted military, all on horseback," says Janelle Howell, who has been camping outside Westminster Abbey since Tuesday. "And then the cars and coaches came. Dozens of them. And people got out of each car and entered the church, just like the guests will. It was quite the spectacle."

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