Snooki May Be Sued For Car Accident
Snooki May Be Sued For Car Accident
Snooki, who has suddenly risen to fame and is also on a WWE show may face charges for the car crash that she was involved in. If you think that an actress ramming her car into another is funny, consider this – she actually rammed her car into a police car! She will not be charged, but she may be sued by the two police officers inside the car, as they suffered minor injuries and had to visit the white coats for a while. The male and female police officers will not be showing up for work for at least a week. They now have ninety days to decide whether they want to sue the Jersey Shore star.
Snooki has already had some issues because of the fender bender. Fellow Italians are now calling her their country’s worst export. They consider her to be very cheap and think that she will do anything for publicity even hit police cars.